What's wrong with the weather!!!! It was snowing in May, and it's almost 25℃+++now. This is the first summer in Calgary, but I dont really enjoy it. It's too hot, so I dont wanna do anything except stay at home. It reminds me that weather in shenzhe. I think shenzhen suppose be 30℃++ now. I dont know that if the weather will be hotter or not.
Hints: About the background music, it is one of my two chinese songs in my laptop.Is that funny? I am a chinese , but there are only two chinese songs in my laptop. The singer of this song called Eason chen. He is my favourite chinese singer. I love his magnetic voice. This song is in Cantonese, but I still hope all of your guyz can enjoy it, especially people who dont know Cantonese. This song will be replaced when my next post apears.
I have nothing to talk about it. This city is crazy!!!!!!.
Oh crazy weather I agree with you!!
Sunny day, oh, I really enjoy this weather, but is not a good idea in calgary. There are no beaches.. anyway I feel like home!
Hey, Jiawei:
So sad that I do not get your sofa. Anyway, the weather is not too bad.
I like Calgary's weather.I think that here's weather is better than Shenzhen,because Shenzhen is really hot in summer.
it is extremely hot for the ppl from north like me....-_____-///
i sweat like a crazy hamster,,,
hey man
I am waiting for your next post, cmon just do it..
See ya..
dota.....where is the dota?
Hi !!!!
Jia Wei !!!!!!!!11 when are you going to post another blog ????? You know ?? you have to write something ..... the final date is coming !!!! jajaja
see you in class !!!! kisses
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